Winter for a bit. Chilly toes and fingers. Hot water bottles are genius. Thankful for the purchase of several scarves while living in summer places. Enjoying a bit of in between time in Wollongong, Australia with Ash before returning home.
Currently: Charging ipod, printing maps, throwin some stuff in a bag. Got ma sweats and a hoodie and we're off to Brisbane in a few hours. This afternoon I tried out driving on the left side of the road - messes with my head a wee bit but after some practice it's not so bad! Ladies and gentleman it is time for a road trip.
Ya know the times you can feel your heart beating in completely random places in your body? This happened to me as I was reading in bed the other day; my head was leaning against the pillow, knees bent, left leg over the right, bobbing up and down. I stopped the bobbing and there it was, my heart beat all the way down in my leg… pulse creating the slightest movement. Then there are headache times. Throbbing, pulsating explosions. Heart meets head in pain and confrontation, the reminder of life in the midst of hurting.
As little girls my sister and I would lay in bed and take turns putting our ear to the other’s stomach, as she would wiggle it, right after drinking a full glass of water. We’d listen to the weird noises the liquid made in our insides. When our bellies could handle no more we would exchange giggles for the last time and drift off to sleep; but just before I could hold my eyelids open one second longer I could feel the beating of my heart deep in my belly and see the movement of the thump come all the way to my skin. And right now if you get up and do 10 jumping jacks or pushups or run around the room 5 times, sit down, hold your breath and be still… you can feel and almost hear your own heart beating.
It's like our bodies are reminding us all the time, 'FEEL HOW ALIVE YOU ARE... don't forget.'
We were created for life - beautiful life. After seeing the beginning of so many I cannot deny this thing inside of me that reaches to such fullness at realizing the intense value of every life. And what it really means to be 'delivered.' Yes delivered, as in at the moment of every baby's entrance into the world, but later too, when the baby isn't a baby anymore.
We are all twice delivered. We just have to choose the second one.