Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I have so many questions and it seems the more I ask the more get added… my mind might break the scale if it was weighed.

‘It feels like yesterday’ is probably one of my least favorite sentences. I know how legitimate of a feeling it is and I understand, I really do. I just don’t like how often it’s used. I wish I had different wording but... alas, I am experiencing it feels like yesterday. The freshness, the beginning; and having it feel so close that you can’t imagine months or years having gone by. A strong remembrance, the time stopping kind. The sorta wish I were back there kind. The can’t believe it’s now kind.

I’m not sure what your ‘it’ is but I bet that you can identify with me.

Time freaks me out. Things change as it goes on, it doesn’t end or stop. You can’t get more after it leaves but the supply is everlasting. And you’re going forward in it… it’s there… but you cant touch, change, move or control it. In fact, it does those things to you… (how unfair!)

I don’t want things to feel over or far away… or from yesterday. But every time the sun disappears so do the things it shone light on. Only memories now. Only thoughts and words and pictures. I can only live for this. day. now. And the way I choose to live this day now will in every way effect tomorrow when it becomes my today… and soon today will be gone forever.

I'm sorry, I may be rambling, but... this is just blowing my mind.