Sunday, June 14, 2009

San Antonio.

As a going away gift, Buddy and Chelle took me and those in our small group who could make it to San Antonio for the weekend! We left Saturday morning, checked into the hotel around 4, took a swim in the pool, got all dressed up and fancy and then headed out to the river walk for dinner. I had duck for the first time and it was delicious! Here are some pics of the river walk.. so beautiful! I loved eating by the river with boats passing by and tons of people walking.

Here are some restaurants all lit up at night.
Aunt Janelle-you would have loved it! You must go to San Antonio sometime!!
Lance and me lookin all nice.
Mmmm.. mint chocolate chip ice cream! 
Cute and Happy!
Cute and VERY happy!
 All dressed up for a night out on the River Walk. 
After a full belly and some ice cream to top it off we went back to the hotel for some cards and sleep. It isn't a weekend away without CARDS!
Lance and Me after a full day of driving, walking and ice cream at 9 p.m.
Wakey, wakey eggs'n bakey!! Getting ready for the Alamo the next day.
Breakfast! IHOP first thing in the morning makes me immensely happy.
The ones who made it all happen. Thanks guys!!!
We visited a Mission, a fun market and the Alamo. The old buildings were beautifully made and cool to explore and look at.
Lance, Elizabeth, Ben, Caden and Me!
This is me in front one of the rooms on a mission. This was where Missionaries brought Native Americans. They were trying to save them because they were dying of diseases and being captured by bandits.. but really all they did was take away their freedom and tried to conform them. They ended up dying in the missions of disease anyway.. so sad.
Remember the Alamo!


Anonymous said...

I want to go there sometime. You and Lance now can be our guide. I say we make it our next family vacation destination! See you next week!

Love You,
Pappy, ak: DAD

Vickie said...

I love the River Walk in San Antonio. It really is so beautiful! (Janelle would LOVE it, you are right!)

It seems like you have made so many amazing friends and memories in the BIG state of Texas. I know you will be thrilled to get home to PA.

Happy Trails!

jallain said...

looks like you had a lot of fun. lance's legs are spread so far apart in that one picture, its like an pterodactyl's wingspan.

Meg said...

Linds! these pictures look SO fun!

literally, i'm crying right now because i miss you.. and this looks like a bunch of fun. haha, your music isn't really helping me not to cry either, so thanks. :)

i love you. see you in a week!!!!!

Lindsay said...

Love you Dad and Meg and I'll see you soooooon!!

Vickie- thanks! and yes i have many good friends here. I like having friends all over the country and world.. getting letters in the mail from them is fun. soon i'll be sending them letters from out of the country!

Jordan-LOL! i noticed that to hahaha..

Meg said...

i love you linds. :)

lance... you NEED TO SHAVE YOUR MUSTACHE! mustache. . . EWWWW! anyway, i love you too. unless you don't shave. then i don't really love you to the fullest of my ability.