Thursday, March 18, 2010

Home just in time for Spring.

I am home, I am home, I am home. And it feels so good! But I don't want the experiences and memories of Thailand to go away so fast. Trying to adjust and prepare for the next thing.. but Thailand is still on God's heart. And mine.

So far being home has found me:

1- Catching up on this season of LOST. (soooo good)
2- Getting very bored. There is nothing going on in Amish Country! Looking forward to a consistent work schedule and helping out at my church.
3- Preparing to move into my grandparents basement with my best friend! Woo-hoo!
4- Taking my dogs on a walk each day. The weather is too lovely not to.

I enjoy waking up in my sunshiny yellow room, putting on a pot of coffee and talking to Jesus. I also enjoy driving again. But not the gas prices.

Who likes to read? Ok, cool because I have a load of books to recommend to you. Lets start with - Not For Sale by David Batstone. This book ruined me. Absolutely made me so mad.. and so sad and very angry. I love the information this book gives about the global slave trade, but yea.. the fact that this book is true, that stuff like this really happens. People! We have to do something about it! If you want to know how you can get involved in ending the global slave trade of our time, read this book. In fact, it's your responsibility to read this book. Once you do-let me know your thoughts. We can conjure up ideas together about how to save the world.

A bit of randomness~
don't these colors look wonderful together? Off-white mushroom and eggplant purple.

When you work at a produce stand you see things you never saw before :)
More to come!


Anonymous said...

i just love you.

Anonymous said...

It is so good to have you home again. I love seeing you everyday and talking with you. I am inspired by you. You are seeking God's will for your life and I see you following thro and responding to his direction. God is using you to make an impact in the world around you for the good of his heavenly kingdom, which is what really counts when it's all "said and done". When we look around us and see things happening that are very discouraging I choose to believe God is still the one in control and will have the final say.
Keep pressing on and remember Micah 6:8


Vickie said...

so beautiful! God uses ALL of his creation to inspire creativity in us! Love the color you more!


Randi said...

yes I never thought of pairing mushrooms and eggplant for their color, it's a great combo. ps. i miss you!