Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Thoughts from a rainy day

We're moved in! Me and Sarah (Red) are currently moved in to my grandmothers basement. I'm not gonna lie-it's awesome. We come in and out as we please through the cellar doors on the side of the house. We've got our own small kitchen and the space is just perfect. We're anxiously awaiting the arrival of our third room mate Sarah (Brown) who is still in China. Come home Sar!


What has been going on in the past two weeks?

Every Tuesday we head over to Cub's house to watch LOST/hang out. Bonfires, talks around the kitchen table (as captured in the above picture), bologna sandwiches and laughter.
Picnics! This particular one was on a cold and wet day.. bad planning on Elf and my part. So-we made do at a picnic table instead of the grass. So glad we brought blankets. Again.. more bologna sandwiches :D

Barns and Noble. I got scolded for taking pictures. After a look through of all the C.S. Lewis books I decided on The Great Divorce and Sar and I headed to the kids section to read. You just gotta read there.. there is fun all around. And sitting in those small chairs makes you feel so big.

Chasing chickens. Yessssss. After a yummy meal at grandma's Meg and I went out to get the eggs from the hen house. And chickens are just so fun to chase. And its more spiteful when you've got a basket full of their eggs. Heh heh heh.

I hope the rain ends soon so I can have a real picnic and take the dogs for a walk and chase more chickens. In the mean time I will wrap myself in a blanket and read The Silver Chair.

More to come.


Unknown said...

Oh Meg... what fun! Looking forward to seeing you around soon!

The lady of the house... said...

i heart you very much.
it is 39* right now and raining.
Jake said it's going to be 75* this weekend. I want to trust him, i really do.
can't wait to visit you.

Fan said...

can't wait to see you again, Linds! And I am so happy that you are in Grandma and Grandpa's basement.Grandma said she loves that there is "activity" around there! Lindsay= Activity =)

Unknown said...

Linds... I'm so sorry. It was late, okay it wasn't. But I'm pregnant, yeah, that's not good enough either. NO EXCUSE! I know who you are. Slip of the tongue, er, I mean hand :)

Vickie said...

Happy Birthday...a day late. Lots of "love thoughts" came your way yesterday...could you feel them? Can you feel thoughts? You've been thinkin' a lot lately...let me know.

Miss you so much and would love to hang out with you at your veggie stand, "tall Mr. Darcy" for each of us, and chat!

Love to check in with you here.

ps Ash got scolded in Macy's last Christmas...by a vp! It was Christmas for goodness sakes. He did it as nicely as possible, I guess. I assured him that she was not scouting for other stores...ha!

love and miss you!