Saturday, February 28, 2009


i so badly want to see slumdog millionaire. i've heard only good things about it. it's is filmed in the slums of India. i think the movie intrigues me so much cause lately i've been thinking about India and possibly going there. wouldn't that be incredible??

mutemath might be my favorite band. if you never have, please listen to everything and anything that mutemath has done.

right now im feeling sad cause i just realized that i havent been taking pictures lately. my poor camera just rides around in my purse.. and that's been the extent of it's life for about the past month. i'm going to change that.

a shout-out to aunt jan and aunt janelle: ummmm, you guys are awesome. thanks for continually checking out my blog and leaving auntie-ish comments cause i love them! i get really excited when i think about the next time i'll see you guys.. which will be two weeks if you come to megs show on saturday, march 14th!!


Anonymous said...

I love Linds!!
Aunt Jan

Vickie said...

Lindsay, Check out my blog and the youtube video of our teams trip to India! You will love it!! (Janelle went to India with us...ywamcharlotte) Check it out! Our students just graduated on Saturday. And, I am loving your music selection!!!!!